Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hookah Stories- Why Smoking?

Many people that i encounter ask em why i like to smoke shisha so much and why i love hookahs so much. well the answer is because i love the social atmosphere that it promotes and i love the taste and the conversation that shisha and hookahs inspire. now you may be saying to yourself that i am no better than a junkie or any other kind of addict. well i can tell you that i do smoke hookahs pretty much all day every day and that i probably am addicted to the high that it gives me. however smoking shisha and hookahs is a widely accepted thing across many cultures and countries. in the united states hookah and shisha smoking has gained tremendous popularity in the past decade and i am sure that its popularity will not stop there. all of my friends from college now enjoy smoking shisha and hookas on a regualr basis, and while i was in college although it was not condoned by the school, we all enjoyed the frequent use of hookahs and shisha tobacco. So my ritual for smoking hooka is simple and i think that everyone who partakes in smoking hookahs and shisha should have a ritual of their own so that they can enjoy the experience of smoking their shisha even more than they do now. the key is to ritualize it so that the user can have a time reference when doing the act of smoking shisha. the reason we ritualize things is so we can place an event properly in time and form. I clean my hookah after everytime i use it and it sits on a special hookah rug. I will tell you more about my hooka and shisha rituals next time! until then, Happy Smoking!

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